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Jan, 2016

Fall 2016 Uniform Kits

Our current uniform kits have been discontinued by adidas; therefore, all players will be required to purchase new uniform kits that will be used for the Fall 2016 through Spring 2018 seasons. Uniform kits are switched every two years.

The new uniform kits will be the adidas Regista 16. Our primary jersey will be Orange and the alternate jersey will be Black. The shorts and socks will both be black. The jerseys will have a 4" number on the chest and will also include the new NEYSA Soccer crest. A number will also be on the back on the jersey.

Orange (primary) jersey:
fall 2016 orange jersey.jpeg.jpg

Black (alternate) jersey:
fall 2016 black jersey.jpeg.jpg

Regista 16 short:
regista 16 short.jpg

Team Speed sock:
team speed sock.jpg
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